Founder of Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy (MKDA).

MKDA is in active collaboration with IstanbulTango since March 2024, believing that the harmony of educational philosophy and goals of the two schools will bring the best values ​​to students!

For more information about IstanbulTango, please click Here

Regular classes

Monday: Intermediate/Advanced Tango (7:00 pm to 8:15 pm)

Wednesday: Tango Improvers (7:00 pm to 8:15 pm)

New classes (starting 21/01/2025):

Tuesday: Tango Absolute Beginners (7:15 to 8:30 pm)

Thursday: Tango Absolute Beginners (7:15 to 8:30 pm)

Private lessons

Please contact the instructor


Tel: +961 (70) 018 281

Email: mazenkiwan@gmail

Address: Horsh Tabet, Sin El Fil

Location: Please click Here

About Mazen

Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy (MKDA) is a dance and performing arts studio located in Horsh Tabet with a focus on Argentine Tango.

Founded by dancer and choreographer Mazen Kiwan, it aims at encouraging people to choose dancing as their practice. At Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy, we believe that everyone can dance, irrespective of their age or physical ability. That’s why we invite you to a dedicated platform where you can break your patterns and explore new dimensions through performing arts. By changing your body’s patterns, you can mold your mind into new positive shapes and become part of a new community.

More details:

Some articles about the Artist:

Noche del Tango Negro au Music Hall de Beyrouth: Silence, on danse !

Faites de la musique et du tango au Chouf avec l’orchestre « Más Tango »

Mazen Kiwan, inébranlable

Et bien dansez maintenant !

La vida es un tango, même au Liban !